Sunday, August 10, 2008


When I hear the word" discrimination" I always feel disappoint and sad. Because when we metion this word, it means someone was hurt and people ignore the fairness. There are a lot of discriminations in both developed countries and debeloping countries. Normally, discrimination originated from the arguements of different coutures.

In China, we have discrimination between boys and girls. Actually, there are no discrimination between the girls and boys in the big cities, but this phenomenon appear in the countries. Some traditional people think that boys are more powerful than girls. Those old people think that if they spend a lot of money on their daughters, there is no profit for the parents after their daughter get married. So, in some area of China, parents only send their sons to the school and all the heritages are belong to the sons. Sometimes, when the women get pregnent, they take a ultrasonic examination. If they get a daughter, they may take a induced abortion and kill the girls.

I think this phenomenon is unfair to the girls. I believe that there is no difference between girls and boys. Normally, girls can do the same thing that boys do and girls also have some atvantages that boys don't have. Now, more and more people recognise this fairness and I hope this problem will be solved in the future.


Rebecca said...

This is certainly a very serious problem. I read that in 2000, the ratio of male to female births was 117:100. Is it noticeable to you that there are more males than females? I was wondering if anyone sees it as an advantage that women will have a greater choice of husbands. Maybe this will lead to a problem for males trying to find marriage partners.
I've also read that there has been a campaign to improve the gender images presented in school text books.

zack9998 said...

I dont think taht is discrimnations. In the country side people need to do a lot physical labor,boys are stronger than girls on the physical body,I think that is the reason why people like to have boys and when the boy grow up,the become the man,they can do more works than girls!

Green Tree said...

Karin, I think the discrimination regarding to the sex (male and female) is an international culture. And there is no equality in the world!

In Canada, US and countries in the North of Europe women have preference. Women can find the job faster and are more well-paid!
In other part of the world, men have preference and more right!

I hope we will have a world with no discrimination.