Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Research paper (only a part)------------Angels


The angel is one of the most familiar symbols in human life. Angels always evoke our childhood memories of Charismas cards and gifts. Normally, people like to use angels to represent their hopes in life. They always pray for a better life through the statues and paintings of Angels. However, angels have a long pedigree and their image has evolved considerably over the centuries.
The word “Angel” originated from the Greek word “Angelos” which means messenger. Sometimes, people use their alias An Qier instead of the name Angel. In human imagination, people think Angels are the messengers between God and human beings. In some books, Angels serve as divine messengers. The Old Testament shows us that Angels are males with wings and there are haloes on their heads. Normally, seraphim and cherubim have more wings than the lower class Angels. Then, the Scriptures also made it clear that Angels came in many different forms, too (Zaczek, I.).

Many people have claimed that they have seen the appearance of an angel. However, angel has no physical body and there are very few examples of an angel’s materialization because that would consume a large amount of Hope. If angels want to appear without consuming Hope, they need to be attached to something. Moreover, the angels are “pure body” so they cannot attach to a life-from, the only way is to be attached to the lives without original sin (non-biological soul). Angels are the avatars of “pure” so that they can’t tolerate the evil, but they also can’t be regarded as human friends. According to the Old Testament, Angels always act in accordance with God’s orders and give the harsh punishment to criminals and fallen angels.
In time, angels never lost their popularity. More and more people feel interested in angels and angelic stories. In general, the most popular topics of angels are angels in different religions, the hierarchy of angels and human imagination of angels.

This is a part of my research paper. Thank you for reading.

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